- Pepperidge Farms Goldfish 30oz - $5
- J4U Store Coupon Price
- Motts Fruit Snacks - $1.49
- Sale Price $1.99 w/ buy 4 participating General Mills
- $0.50 off 1 Coupon loaded on the Card
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($0.50)
- SavingStar Rebate Eligible ($0.50 when you buy 2)
- Fiber One Protein Bars x2 - $1.49 each
- Sale Price $1.99 w/ buy 4 participating General Mills
- $0.50 off 2 Coupon printed from Coupons.com through Swagbucks (doubled to $1)
- SavingStar Rebate Eligible ($0.50 when you buy 2)
- Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks - $1.49
- Sale Price $1.99 w/ buy 4 participating General Mills
- $0.50 off 1 Coupon loaded on the Card
- SavingStar Rebate Eligible ($0.50 when you buy 2)
- Safeway Vinegar - $2.99
- Sale Price
- Ruffles Chips x2 - $1.99 each
- J4U Store Coupon Price
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($1 when you buy on 2 Mountain Dew, Mist Twist, or Ruffles)
- Skittles Easter Candy - $1.39
- Sale Price
- Tootsie Roll Easter Candy - $2.99
- Was supposed to be on 50% clearance, but rang up at regular price and I didn't notice.
- Celeste Pizza x2 - $1 each
- Sale Price
- Outshine Frozen Yogurt Bars - $3.34
- Sale Price
- Hot Pockets x5 - ~$1.63 each
- J4U Store Coupon Price $1.88 each
- $1.25 off 5 Coupon from register previous shopping trip
- New York Texas Toast - $1.37
- J4U Personalized Price $2.37
- $1 off 1 from 3/6 Smartsource
- Mini Watermelon - $2
- Sale Price
- Halo Mandarins 2lbs - $2.99
- Sale Price $3.99
- $0.50 off 1 from 3/20 Smartsource (doubled to $1)
Total Spent This Trip: $43.32
*Paid with gift card purchased from Dlyte.
Coupon Savings: $4.25
Rebate Total: $2.50
Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Budget: +$55.59