- Pringles x2 - $1.30 each
- Sale Price $1.50 each
- $0.40 off 2 Coupon from Kellogg's Family Rewards e-mail (doubled to $0.80)
- Diet Coke 16.9oz bottles 6-pack - $1.99
- Sale Price
- Checkout 51 Rebate Eligible ($1)
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($1.25)
- Dasina Sparkling Water 8-pack - $2
- Sale Price $3
- $1 off 1 Coupon on Card
- Dunkin Donuts Coffee Creamer 32oz - $3
- Checkout 51 Rebate Eligible ($0.75)
- Lean Pockets x3 - $1.66 each
- Sale Price
- Sargento Balanced Breaks - $3
- Checkout 51 Rebate Eligible ($0.50)
- Oscar Mayer P3 x2 - $0.24 each
- Sale Price $0.99 when you buy 2
- $0.75 off 2 Coupon printed from Coupons.com through Swagbucks (doubled to $1.50)
- Lime - $0.20
Total Spent This Trip: $17.96
Coupon Savings: $2.30
Rebate Total: $3.50
Current Month Spending Total: $115.42
Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Monthly Budget: -$84.58
Year-to-Date Coupon Savings: $10.70
Year-to-Date Rebates Redeemed: $7.95
Year-to-Date Spending Total: $115.42