Safeway (Washington, DC)
- Blue Green Organics Agave Nectar - $5.99
- Lucerne Hard Boiled Eggs 6ct - $2.99
- Greek Gods Yogurt 24oz - $2.74
- Sale Price $3.49
- $0.75 off 1 Coupon from register previous shopping trip
- Ibotta rebate eligible ($1.20)
- Luna Protein Bars x2 - $0.50 each
- Sale Price $1 each
- $1 off 2 Coupon on Card
- Ibotta rebate eligible ($1 when you buy 2)
- Giovanni Rana Pasta Sauce - -$1
- Sale Price $3.99
- J4U Personalized Offer for free item ($3.99 value)
- $1 off 1 Coupon on Card
- didn't even realize I had this added and certainly didn't expect to get the item for more than free
Tax: $0.00
Total Spent This Trip: $4.72
*Used 5 Safeway reward points for $7 off
Coupon Savings: $7.75
Rebate Total: $2.20
Current Month Spending Total: $16.90
Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Monthly Budget: -$183.10