- RXBar Nut Butter - $1.50
- Sale Price
- Lucerne Shredded Cheese 8oz x2 - $2.09 each
- J4U Personalized Price
- Silk Almondmilk Yogurt x2 - $1.25 each
- Sale Price
- Stoneyfield Farms Snack Pack - $1.67
- Sale Price
- So Delicious Coconutmilk Yogurt x2 - $1.25 each
- Sale Price
- Lunchables Natural x2 - $1.99 each
- Sale Price when you buy 2
- O Organics Salad Greens 5oz - $2.68
- J4U Personalized Price
- Strawberries 1lb x2 - $2.10 each
- J4U Personalized Price $2.10 each
- *Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale Price didn't apply for some reason
Total Spent This Trip: $20.21
*Used 2 Safeway reward points for $3 off produce
Coupon Savings: $3
Rebate Total: $0
*Bought several items for Ibotta rebates, but didn't end up with any because the receipt was unreadable.
Current Month Spending Total: $88.52
Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Monthly Budget: -$111.48