Safeway (Washington, DC)
- 7UP 2 Liter - $1.25
- Sale Price when you buy 4
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($0.25)
- Squirt 2 Liter - $1.25
- Sale Price when you buy 4
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($0.25)
- A&W 2 Liter - $1.25
- Sale Price when you buy 4
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($0.25)
- Sunkist 2 Liter - $1.25
- Sale Price when you buy 4
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($0.25)
- RXNut Butter - $1.50
- Sale Price
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($0.60)
- Fruitlove Spoonable Smoothie - $2.19
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($1.99)
- Silk Oat Yeah - $0.49
- Regular Price $1.99
- $0.75 off 1 Coupon printed from through Swagbucks (doubled to $1.50)
- Kite Hill Yogurt - Free
- J4U Freebie ($1.99 value)
- Hormel Natural Choice Wraps x5 - $1 each
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($1 each, Limit 5)
- Hormel Natural Choice Lunchmeat - $3.99
- Sale Price
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($1)
Tax: $0.30
Total Spent This Trip: $13.47
*Used $5 off purchase Coupon on Card
Coupon Savings: $8.49
Rebate Total: $21.34 (includes
Ibotta $0.50 September Level 1 bonus, $10 Labor Day bonus, and $0.25 Halloween Flavors bonus)
Current Month Spending Total: $68.79
Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Monthly Budget: -$131.21