Safeway (Washington, DC)
- Skinnypop - $1.50
- Sale Price $2
- $0.75 off 1 Coupon printed from through Swagbucks (doubled to $1.50)
- RXbar Nut Butter - $1.50
- Two Good Yogurt - $1
- Sale Price
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($0.20)
- Dole Crafted Smoothies - $9.99
- Sale Price
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($2.50)
- Hormel Natural Choice Deli Meat - $3.49
- Sale Price $4.49
- $0.50 off 1 Coupon printed from through Swagbucks (doubled to $1)
- Ibotta Rebate Eligible ($0.65)
- Hormel Natural Choice Wrap - -$0.38
- Clearance Price $0.62
- $0.50 off 1 Coupon printed from through Swagbucks (doubled to $1)
Total Spent This Trip: $10.10
*Used 5 reward points for $7 off purchase
Coupon Savings: $1
Rebate Total: $14.10 (includes Ibotta $10 New Year New You bonus and $0.10 any item rebate)
Current Month Spending Total: $34.89
Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Monthly Budget: -$165.11