Friday, March 3, 2017

Safeway Shopping Trip 3/3/17

Safeway (Washington, DC)
  • Hershey's Reeses Sticks King Size - $0.99
    • Sale Price
      • Used a $0.50 off king size Safeway Monopoly coupon, but ended up getting nothing off. It scanned in and even shows up as that silly $0.01 with $0.01 off thing on my receipt, so I didn't notice that it didn't actually apply when cashier finished transaction.
  • Teddy Soft Bake - $0.50
  • Bluberries - $1.67
    • Friday Only Sale Price
  • Kiwi 1lb - $1.50
    • Sale Price
Tax: $0
Total Spent This Trip: $4.66

Coupon Savings: $0
Rebate Total: $1

Current Month Spending Total: $33.43
Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Monthly Budget: -$166.57

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