Monday, November 13, 2017

Safeway Shopping Trip 11/13/17

Safeway (Washington, DC)
  • Progresso Soup x2 - $0.50 each
    • J4U Store Coupon Price $1
    • 10/22 Smartsource $0.50/2 (doubled to $1)
  • Keebler Club House Crackers - $1.50
    • Sale Price $2.50
    • $0.50 off 1 Coupon from Kellogg's Family Rewards email (doubled to $1)
  • Lucerne Whipped Cream - $2
    • Sale Price
      • *Had a $0.75 off 1 coupon on card that didn't end up working
    • Ibotta sweepstakes entry eligible
  • Chobani Smooth - $0.50
    • J4U Personalized Price $1.50
    • $1 off 1 Coupon from 10/1 Red Plum
      Tax: $0.00
      Total Spent This Trip: $5

      Coupon Savings: $3
      Rebate Total: $0.25 (includes Ibotta $0.25 any item rebate)

      Current Month Spending Total: $61.25
      Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Monthly Budget: -$138.75

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