Tuesday, May 1, 2018

April 2018 Grocery Spending, Coupon, and Rebate Totals

Total Spent This Month: $230.17
  • CVS - $10.91
  • Safeway - $199.95
  • Target - $19.31
Coupon Savings: $30.80
  • Coupon.com through Swagbucks - $0
  • Newspaper - $0.50
  • Other (Kellogg's Family Rewards, Safeway Monopoly, Register, etc.) - $30.30
Rebates Redeemed: $106.42
Rebate Cashouts: $125.13
Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Monthly Budget of $200: -$94.96
*Total Spent minus Rebate Cashouts

Year-to-Date Coupon Savings: $81.35
Year-to-Date Rebates Redeemed: $272.09
Year-to-Date Rebate Cashouts: $314.865
Year-to-Date Spending Total: $605.89
*Total Spent minus Rebate Cashouts

Year-to-Date Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Budget: -$194.11

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