Safeway (Washington, DC)
- Nature Valley Biscuits x2 - $1.16 each
- Sale Price $1.66 when you buy 3 or more
- $0.50 off 2 Coupon printed from through Swagbucks (doubled to $1)
- SavingStar Rebate Eligible ($0.50 when you buy 2)
- Fiber One Bars x2 - $1.16 each
- Sale Price $1.66 when you buy 3 or more
- $0.50 off 2 Coupon from 3/5 Smartsource
- SavingStar Rebate Eligible ($0.50 when you buy 2)
- Lucerne Shredded Cheese 32oz x2 - $5 each
- Sale Price Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Total Spent This Trip: $14.64
Coupon Savings: $2
Rebate Total: $1
Current Month Spending Total: $116.41
Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Monthly Budget: -$83.59