Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Amazon Prime Pantry Order 3/1/16

Amazon Prime Pantry
No Rush Shipping Credit: -$5.99
Tax: $0.15
Total Spent This Trip: $6.88
*Paid for with gift cards earned using AdLove, ReceiptPal, and mPoints apps.

Current Amount Over(+)/Under(-) Budget: +$90.87
*Only because I just bought $100 in Safeway cards for upcoming weeks.

I really prefer when I get $1 credits to use on music or Kindle books from selecting no rush shipping on things I buy on Amazon, but every once in awhile it's nice to get these Prime Pantry credits if you can combine it with a free shipping Prime Pantry promo. I mostly just went with the cheapest stuff this time around because nothing including were truly things we needed right now, but I did notice besides the snack food that Band-Aids were another good item to add if you need a fill-in to get to 5 cheap.

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